RK Singh, PL Gautam, Sanjem Saxena, S Singh
Publication date
Aromatic rices. Kalyani, New Delhi
The diversity of the aromatic rices crop evolved over thousands of years, as Asian and African peasant farmers—mostly women—selected different types to suit local cultivation practices and needs. This process of selection has resulted in aromatic rice varieties adapted to a wide range of agro-ecological conditions.
Major advances in the productivity of aromatic rices, achieved in both developed and developing countries, have largely depended on access to a wide range of diverse types available. The diversity in crop varieties is essential for agricultural development: for increasing food production; poverty alleviation; and promoting economic growth. These are not only important to farmers using particular variety, but they also have a major significance in that they provide important characteristics for use in developing modern varieties. In addition, the available diversity in the germplasm also serves as an insurance against unknown future needs/conditions, thereby contributing to the stability of farming systems at local, national and global level.
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Scholar articles
RK Singh, PL Gautam, S Saxena, S Singh - Aromatic rices. Kalyani, New Delhi, 2000