Eileen Fischer
Publication date
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Gender Marketing and Consumer Research, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
There iS great promise in the emergent research on sex, gender and feminism. This is particularly true given the rise of the (not unrelated) streams of research on critical theory, postmodernism, international comparisons, and'" marginalized" consumers (including, for instance, immigrants, gays and lesbians, and poorer consumers). I group these streams because, together, their growth indicates a recognition of the fact that consumers are not just the objects of marketing actions, but are multifaceted beings who vary greatly in the ways in which they are served by and constituted within, the North American capitalist system.
The challenge we face is to fulfill the promise (s) latent in this work, and to help shape our societies in ways that work for those whose interests we are only beginning to acknowledge and attempt to understand. This challenge must be addressed in several ways_ will single out two. First, we must …
Total citations
Scholar articles
E Fischer - Proceedings of the Third Conference on Gender …, 1996