Dave Mearns, Mick Cooper
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′ The book represents a′ gentle revolution′. The gentleness comes from its lack of stridency and from its inclusiveness, and the radical quality is that person-centred therapy in particular, and all therapeutic work in general, cannot be the same again′-Therapy Todaythis is a great, most important and, for the English-language readership, ground-breaking book. The subject of the book is of enormous interest and importance within and beyond the person-centered and experiential orientations in the whole field of psychotherapy and counselling, both in its practice and its theoretical development. This great book had to be written. It presents an existential, phenomenological, dialogical approach at its best, and highlights the power of encounter relationship. This book does not only portray the state of the art of person-centered and experiential psychotherapies. Since many modalities develop in this direction-it is foundational for the realm of psychotherapy and counselling as such. The book is of enormous international interest; not only the international perspective on literature and development in the field, but also the cross-links of different views contribute to the development of psychotherapy and counselling and will be fruitful for interdisciplinary dialogue. This book stands as a landmark. It will be very influential to theory and practice. If you don′ t read it, you will not be able to join in further discussion and theory and practice developments′-Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies′ Mick Cooper and Dave Mearns have managed to literally write with relational depth. This reader experienced them as human beings from their …
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