Jürgen Cito, Gerald Schermann, John Erik Wittern, Philipp Leitner, Sali Zumberi, Harald C Gall
Publication date
2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)
Docker allows packaging an application with its dependencies into a standardized, self-contained unit (a so-called container), which can be used for software development and to run the application on any system. Dockerfiles are declarative definitions of an environment that aim to enable reproducible builds of the container. They can often be found in source code repositories and enable the hosted software to come to life in its execution environment. We conduct an exploratory empirical study with the goal of characterizing the Docker ecosystem, prevalent quality issues, and the evolution of Dockerfiles. We base our study on a data set of over 70000 Dockerfiles, and contrast this general population with samplings that contain the Top-100 and Top-1000 most popular Docker-using projects. We find that most quality issues (28.6%) arise from missing version pinning (i.e., specifying a concrete version for …
Total citations
Scholar articles
J Cito, G Schermann, JE Wittern, P Leitner, S Zumberi… - 2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on …, 2017