Christina Unger, Lorenz Bühmann, Jens Lehmann, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Daniel Gerber, Philipp Cimiano
Publication date
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web
As an increasing amount of RDF data is published as Linked Data, intuitive ways of accessing this data become more and more important. Question answering approaches have been proposed as a good compromise between intuitiveness and expressivity. Most question answering systems translate questions into triples which are matched against the RDF data to retrieve an answer, typically relying on some similarity metric. However, in many cases, triples do not represent a faithful representation of the semantic structure of the natural language question, with the result that more expressive queries can not be answered. To circumvent this problem, we present a novel approach that relies on a parse of the question to produce a SPARQL template that directly mirrors the internal structure of the question. This template is then instantiated using statistical entity identification and predicate detection. We show that this …
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Scholar articles
C Unger, L Bühmann, J Lehmann, AC Ngonga Ngomo… - Proceedings of the 21st international conference on …, 2012