Shanna N Felix, Chrystina Y Hoffman
Publication date
Queering Criminology in Theory and Praxis
Bristol University Press
There is an extensive history of LGBTQ+ invisibility in the United States military. For instance, although official regulations banning the enlistment of sexual minorities such as lesbian, gay, and bisexual people can be traced back to the 1920s (Bérubé, 2010), the more recent (and notorious)‘don’t ask, don’t tell’(DADT) policy was implemented in 1993 and later repealed in 2011 (Kerrigan, 2012; Proctor & Krusen, 2017). While the DADT policy prohibited the military from directly asking a service member about their sexual orientation, service personnel were still able to be discharged if their sexual orientation became known through credible information or voluntary disclosure (where credible information might include ambiguous references to sexuality on medical records; see Howe, 2018). Indeed, 1,046 service personnel were discharged in 1999 alone for ‘conduct unbecoming’related to sexual orientation (Sobel et al …
Scholar articles
SN Felix, CY Hoffman - Queering Criminology in Theory and Praxis, 2022