Peter Knoepfel, Peter Knoepfel, Stéphane Nahrath, Frédéric Varone
Publication date
Environmental Policy Analyses: Learning from the Past for the Future-25 Years of Research
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
There are few terms that are used in such an inflated manner as the word “sustainability”. Politicians, businesspeople, scientists and all kinds of advertisers consider themselves, their proposals, their articles and their beliefs to be more sustainable than the ones of their competitors. Listerning to them, one gets the impression that our world is the most sustainable one imaginable. Looking at reality, in most situations the exact opposite is true. Globalization accelerates all kinds of industrial, domestic and urban metabolisms and increasingly unbundled market mechanisms are becoming a serious threat for the survival of the reproductive capacities of our common natural resources. With the advancement of globalization and market liberalization, the need for solid institutional mechanisms capable of guaranteeing the survival of normally local and/or regional natural resources has tremendously increased in the …
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Scholar articles
P Knoepfel, P Knoepfel, S Nahrath, F Varone - Environmental Policy Analyses: Learning from the Past …, 2007