A Johannessen, Arno Rosemarin, A Gerger Swartling, Guoyi Han, Gregor Vulturius, Thor Axel Stenström
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In the context of urban Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Water Sanitation and Health (WASH) services, we examine the two very different sides of private-public interaction. On the one hand, the impact of disconnected private and public sector investments and the ensuing increased vulnerabilities and health risks, mostly impacting on poor communities. On the other hand, the potentials for novel and effective private-public partnerships (PPPs) that reduce disaster risk and build resilience. This study is a literature review using empirical evidence from case studies, from which we construct a conceptual model explaining the building of WASH vulnerability and disaster risk reduction. We identify building blocks (access, siting, mitigation/adaptation and sharing) which work over different scales. Using social learning as conceptual lens, this paper then explores the potential for potential novel and effective mechanisms to trigger and influence a collaborative process between private and public actors, which could build resilience to disasters.
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