Marta Pasternak, Kamila Pawluszek-Filipiak
Publication date
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Crops are of the fundamental food sources for humanity. Due to the population growth as well as climate change, monitoring of the crops is important to sustain agriculture and conserve natural resources. Development of the remote sensing techniques especially in terms of revisiting time opens new avenues to study crops temporal behaviors from space. Moreover, thanks to the Copernicus program, which guarantees optical as well as radar data to be freely available, there are opportunities to utilize them in an operative way. Additionally, utilization of spectral as well as radar data allows for the synergetic application of both datasets. However, to utilize this data in the operational crop monitoring, it is very important to understand the temporal variations of the remote sensing signal. Therefore, we make an attempt to understand spectral as well as radar remote sensing temporal behavior and its relation with …