Sian de Bell, Julius Cesar Alejandre, Claudia Menzel, Rita Sousa-Silva, Tanja M Straka, Susanne Berzborn, Max Bürck-Gemassmer, Martin Dallimer, Chris Dayson, Jessica C Fisher, Annette Haywood, Alina Herrmann, Gisela Immich, Christian S Keßler, Kristin Köhler, Mary Lynch, Viola Marx, Andreas Michalsen, Pierpaolo Mudu, Hendrik Napierala, Maximilian Nawrath, Sharon Pfleger, Claudia Quitmann, Jonathan P Reeves, Kevin Rozario, Wolfgang Straff, Katie Walter, Charlotte Wendelboe-Nelson, Melissa R Marselle, Rachel Rui Ying Oh, Aletta Bonn
Publication date
Environment International
Evidence on the health benefits of spending time in nature has highlighted the importance of provision of blue and green spaces where people live. The potential for health benefits offered by nature exposure, however, extends beyond health promotion to health treatment. Social prescribing links people with health or social care needs to community-based, non-clinical health and social care interventions to improve health and wellbeing. Nature-based social prescribing (NBSP) is a variant that uses the health-promoting benefits of activities carried out in natural environments, such as gardening and walking. Much current NBSP practice has been developed in the UK, and there is increasing global interest in its implementation. This requires interventions to be adapted for different contexts, considering the needs of populations and the structure of healthcare systems.
This paper presents results …
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