Lena Lindahl
Publication date
Many countries have had to tackle escalating youth unemployment in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, but compared with other countries in the European Union, youth unemployment has increased particularly sharply in Sweden. Currently, Swedish 20-24 year olds are more than three times as likely to be unemployed than are adult workers, which is the greatest such ratio within the EU-15. The bulk of youth unemployment spells starts directly after upper secondary school ends, which in turn suggests special attention should be directed to the interaction of vocational education and labor markets. This paper discusses in the light of international research findings how to ease the transition from school into the labor market for vocational students. The evidence discussed in the paper centers on which educational structures lead to good labor market outcomes for vocational students and especially what we know about the relative merits of workplace-and schoolbased education and the role of employer contacts.
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