Edvaldo de Farias, Luis Mendes, Maria Nascimento, Eva Morais
Publication date
International Journal for Quality Research
University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering
The article aims to compare the perceptions of three groups of stakeholders regarding the relevance of specific attributes of service quality in fitness centres in Rio de Janeiro. The approach was qualitative, of the survey type, with stratified sampling and application of a single instrument formed of 34 specific attributes of the quality of services in fitness centres. To identify differences in the relevance of each attribute for clients, managers and instructors, variance analysis was performed through the Kruskal-Wallis test. IBM SPSS v 25 for Windows was used for statistical treatment. The study was carried out with 657 clients, 123 managers and 180 instructors in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The scale with 34 items presented a global and group Cronbach alpha that validated the instrument’s internal consistency, confirming that its items measure the same construct. There were differences in the relevance attributed by the three groups in 32, 4% of the attributes, showing non-alignment in the perceptions of those who deliver, manage and consume services in those fitness centres. It was not possible to compare the results obtained with previous studies due to the non-existence of research focusing on different stakeholders’ perceptions of the attributes of service quality in companies in this business segment, revealing that the topic is a new perspective in assessing the quality of services in fitness environments.
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