James S Peters, David T Damery, Peggi Clouston
Publication date
Journal of Forest Products Business Research
The authors investigated the typology and characteristics of recent technology innovation in particleboard and composite materials. Conducting a cluster analysis of data derived from a content analysis of the International Particleboard/Composite Materials Symposium Proceedings, they identified four major clusters of like-type technology innovations–manufacturing, high technology, materials processing, and new products. Equipment makers dominated innovation in all four clusters, and “improved product quality” was the predominant source of economic benefits.
Innovations in the manufacturing cluster are characterized as process innovations originated by an equipment maker. Equipment makers provided specific technology, but participation by manufacturers was not unusual. There was no participation by end-users. After “improved product quality,”“reduced energy consumption” was most often cited as a source of economic benefits. High technology innovations are characterized as process innovations originated by an equipment maker that provided specific technology. There was no participation by a manufacturer or end-user. In general, equipment makers were technology leaders, sometimes involving themselves in particleboard and composite materials production processes for the first time.“Improved product quality” was the predominant source of economic benefits. Materials processing innovations are characterized as process innovations originated by an equipment maker. There was significant manufacturer participation and no participation by end-users. After “improved product quality,”“substitution of inexpensive for expensive …
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