Jean-Claude Lapointe
Publication date
Available at SSRN 1770525
The Commission of the Institutions of the French National Assembly of Quebec took the initiative to publish a document of consultation entitled “Quebec and the Free Trade Area of the Americas: Political and socio-economic effects,” in order to hold public audiences from September 26, 2000. The present report results from research undertaken within the framework of an action-research project, of which just contents complementary of the results of research that we could not expose in our call report which is an activity of integration obligatory to obtaining the Master’s degree in Public Administration with concentration in International Management of the ÉNAP. Our mandate was to identify a problematic situation of international administrative nature, to clarify it with the constituent and to formulate proposals for solutions to the Quebec’s Ministry of International Relations (see Lapointe, Jean-Claude, 2000a). The present report is deposited at the National School of Public Administration and is submitted to the Commissions of the Institutions of the French National Assembly of Quebec which is competent as regards to intergovernmental relations (Canadian and International Affairs)(Lapointe, Jean-Claude, 2000b). The Chapter-I aims at exploring the problems of the multilateral trade negotiations, the FTAA and the integration of the Americas. Our methodology explains the strategy of research per exploratory case study and the techniques of data acquisition, the results and the limits of the report. The Chapter-II presents the ministry for the International Relations of Quebec (MRI) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada …