Matthias Carl Adams, Simon Holm Jensen, Spyridon Triantafyllis
Publication date
Patent office
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A database platform receives query instructions for a query on a database, where the query instructions include a geospatial-function join that applies a geospatial-function predicate to a first relation that includes a first join key and a second relation that includes at least one row in which a second join key is a point. The database platform generates a query-execution plan by replacing the geospatial-function join with a one-sided interval join of at least a first portion of the first relation and the at least one row of the second relation in which the second join key is a point, and by also inserting a filter above the one-sided interval join to apply the geospatial-function predicate. The database platform executes the query-execution plan, and returns query results in response to the query.
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