Juho Kim, Philip J Guo, Carrie J Cai, Shang-Wen Li, Krzysztof Z Gajos, Robert C Miller
Publication date
Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
With an unprecedented scale of learners watching educational videos on online platforms such as MOOCs and YouTube, there is an opportunity to incorporate data generated from their interactions into the design of novel video interaction techniques. Interaction data has the potential to help not only instructors to improve their videos, but also to enrich the learning experience of educational video watchers. This paper explores the design space of data-driven interaction techniques for educational video navigation. We introduce a set of techniques that augment existing video interface widgets, including: a 2D video timeline with an embedded visualization of collective navigation traces; dynamic and non-linear timeline scrubbing; data-enhanced transcript search and keyword summary; automatic display of relevant still frames next to the video; and a visual summary representing points with high learner activity. To …
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