Karla Elliott
Publication date
Palgrave Macmillan
Young men today are to an extent able to adopt more open expressions of masculinity than previously. Nevertheless, structures of domination and inequality persist alongside feminist gains. Ideals of masculinities continue to demand exacting standards and lead to pressing costs for people of all genders. Contemporary masculinities have been put under the spotlight with the emergence of movements challenging men’s violence and ongoing patriarchal gender relations. In many cases, the power and dominance of privileged men, and the ways in which they act with impunity, has been revealed. Despite this, privileged men are often portrayed as the harbingers of progress and change (Bridges and Pascoe 2014), while marginalised men are positioned as violent, regressive and as always reaching for power. As Roberts (2018, p. 216) argues, constructing marginalised men as the bearers of ‘bad’forms of …
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