Isabella Tavarozzi, Silvia Comani, CD Gratta, Gian Luca Romani, SD Luzio, Donatella Brisinda, Sabina Gallina, Marco Zimarino, Riccardo Fenici, RD Caterina
Publication date
Italian Heart Journal
The first magnetocardiogram was recorded by Baule and McFee1 in 1963, at a time when the ECG had already been used as a clinical tool for more than half a century and was already recognized as a fast, inexpensive, simple, reproducible and non-invasive technique with a significant diagnostic value. MCG and ECG are generated by the same electrophysiological sources and, in fact, these techniques show several analogies. Cardiac contraction, triggered by the depolarization of myocardial cells, is associated with electrical phenomena within the heart and in the surrounding tissues, and with a very weak magnetic field detectable on the chest surface. The difficulty in the recording of a magnetocardiogram is, essentially, the weakness of the signal: in fact, the magnetic field generated by currents flowing in the heart is almost 1 million
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