Jin Wang, Min Chen, Guonian Lü, Songshan Yue, Yongning Wen, Zhenxu Lan, Shuo Zhang
Publication date
Journal of Hydrology
Data sharing plays a fundamental role in providing data resources for geographic modeling and simulation. Although there are many successful cases of data sharing through the web, current practices for sharing data mostly focus on data publication using metadata at the file level, which requires identifying, restructuring and synthesizing raw data files for further usage. In hydrology, because the same hydrological information is often stored in data files with different formats, modelers should identify the required information from multisource data sets and then customize data requirements for their applications. However, these data customization tasks are difficult to repeat, which leads to repetitive labor. This paper presents a data sharing method that provides a solution for data manipulation based on a structured data description model rather than raw data files. With the structured data description model …
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Scholar articles
J Wang, M Chen, G Lü, S Yue, Y Wen, Z Lan, S Zhang - Journal of Hydrology, 2020