O Rey, Aguas Argentinas
The Argentinean water and sanitation sector is heterogeneous and fragmented. This is a result of its history, current regulatory framework, the number and type of providers and the particular characteristics of the place. Services have to be provided to areas which differ greatly in terms of size, population density, nature of water resources and socioeconomic profile. Historically the water sector in Argentina was managed by one national body, Obras Sanitarias de la Nación (OSN) which provided services for the whole country. The OSN was created in 1912 and during its operation Argentina was second in Latin America in terms of household provision of water and sanitation. However, between 1950 and 1970, the sector began to experience financial problems and had to reduce its expansion plans. Finally, during the 1970s, responsibility for water and sanitation was decentralized to provincial governments. Most of …