Cecilia Tacoli, Gordon McGranahan, David Satterthwaite
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Human Settlements Group, International Institute for Environment and Development
Migration and mobility continue to attract much interest, but also growing concern. The 2013 World Population Policies report states that” among 185 countries with available data in 2013, 80 per cent of governments had policies to lower rural to urban migration, an increase from 38 per cent in 1996”(United nations 2013a). This proportion is highest in low-and middleincome nations in Africa and Asia–the regions that are currently undergoing urban transitions. In an increasingly urbanised world, substantial transformations in population distribution seem inevitable, although perhaps not as rapid or linear as often predicted. In most cases, urbanisation is closely linked to sustained economic growth, as nations’ share of GDP and employment moves from agriculture to industry and services, sectors that benefit from agglomeration in urban centres. In countries where most of the population is rural, agricultural production …
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