Saartje Brockmans, Peter Haase, Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Publication date
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems"
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Recently, the advantages of metamodeling for the graphical specification of ontologies have been recognized by the semantic web community. This has lead to a number of activities concerned with the development of graphical modeling approaches for the Web Ontology Language based on the Meta Object Facility (MOF) and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). An aspect that has not been addressed so far is the need to specify mappings between heterogenous ontologies. With an increasing number of ontologies being available, the problem of specifying mappings is becoming more important and the rationales for providing model based graphical modeling support for mappings is the same as for the ontologies themselves. In this paper, we therefore propose a MOF-based metamodel for mappings between OWL DL ontologies.
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Scholar articles
S Brockmans, P Haase, H Stuckenschmidt - OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the …, 2006