Bernadette White, Vaios Svolos, Lisa Gervais, Aleksandra Jatkowska, Ben Nichols, Jonathan MacDonald, John Paul Seenan, Richard Hansen, Richard K Russell, Simon Milling, Konstantinos Gerasimidis
Publication date
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Oxford University Press
Supplementary Table 1: Evidence table of previous studies employing proximity extension assays to explore either differences in Page 1 Supplementary Table 1: Evidence table of previous studies employing proximity extension assays to explore either differences in IRP profile between patients with IBD and non-IBD controls or the impact of induction treatments in active CD on IRP profile. Study Population Findings which overlap with current study Findings which do not overlap with current study Percentage overlap Studies exploring differences in IRPs of patients with IBD compared to non-IBD controls Erik Andersson, 2017 (1) Discovery cohort: Adults with CD (n = 54, 69% in remission) Adults with UC (n = 54, 78% in remission) Adult non-IBD controls (n = 54) Replication cohort: Adults with CD (n = 30, 80% in remission) Adults with UC (n = 30, 73% in remission) IRPs different between CD and non-IBD: CXCL11, IL-…