Ana Catarina Rodrigues, Nuno Ratola, Francisco Sánchez-Soberón
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Book of Abstracts
The emerging contaminants volatile methylsiloxanes (VMSs) are frequently used in numerous industrial applications and consumer products such as cosmetics and personal care products (PCPs). Once released into the atmosphere, they are easily subjected to long-range transportation, being their fate object of study due to their bioaccumulative potential in ecosystems and plausible hazardous exposure to humans. Despite this, there are not many studies focused on their occurrence in indoor locations. The present project aims to monitor, identify sources, and estimate human exposure to VMSs in a variety of already studied and yet non-measured environments. The preliminary results show concentration ranges for the total VMSs from 0.03 (boat workshop) to 14.09 (bedroom) µg/day, causing respective exposures from 0.17 to 101.40 μg/kg bw· day.
Scholar articles
AC Rodrigues, N Ratola, F Sánchez-Soberón - Book of Abstracts, 2021