Qian Huang, Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau, Sarangarajan Parthasarathy, Aaron Edward Rosenberg
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Patent office
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A multimedia Search apparatus and method for Searching multimedia content using Speaker detection to Segment the multimedia content. The multimedia Search apparatus receives a Search request from a user device. The Search request identifies the target Speaker for which the Search is to be conducted. Based on the Search request, the multime dia Search apparatus retrieves multimedia content from a multimedia database. The multimedia Search apparatus retrieves models, such as Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs), from a model Storage device, corresponding to the target Speaker and background data. Based on the retrieved models, the multimedia Search device Searches the audio data of the multimedia content and Segments the audio data. The Segments are identified by calculating an average nor malized Score for a block of frames of the audio data and determining if the average normalized …
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