David Herman
Publication date
Image and Narrative
Abstract (E): Using the 1999 MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (= MITECS) as a springboard for discussion, this essay sketches out some of the implications of recent work in cognitive science for narrative theory. Inversely, the essay explores how current modes of narrative-theoretical inquiry bear on research in the cognitive sciences, which encompass such fields as cognitive anthropology, computational intelligence, linguistics, philosophy of mind, and cognitive psychology. MITECS lacks entries for NARRATIVE or STORY, and more generally the text omits discussion of many narrative-pertinent concepts that promise to throw light on key research questions in cognitive science. My essay thus uses MITECS as a vehicle for opening new lines of communication between areas of research that stand to gain from being brought into a closer, more synergistic relation with one another. More than this, the essay makes the stronger claim that narrative theory should be viewed as a subdomain of the cognitive sciences.
Abstract (F): A travers un compte rendu du récent" MITECS"(= MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, 1999) le présent article discute les enjeux des recherches cognitives contemporaines pour la théorie narratologique. Corollairement, il entend démontrer l'impact des développements modernes en narratologie devraient intéresser plus d'un champ cognitif, comme par exemple l'anthrolopologie cognitive, l'intelligence artificielle APO, la lingusitique, la philosophie de l'esprit humain ou encore la psychologie cognitive. MITECS n'a pas d'entrée particulière pour des concepts comme NARRATION ou RECIT et très souvent le …
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