Vadakkedathu Rajan, Mark Wegman, Richard Segal, Jason Crawford, Jeffrey Kephart, Shlomo Hershkop
Publication date
Patent office
Application number
A method for detecting undesirable emails is disclosed. The method combines input from tWo or more spam classi? ers to provide improved classi? cation effectiveness and robust ness. The method’s effectiveness is improved over that of any one constituent classi? er in the sense that the detection rate is increased and/or the false positive rate is decreased. The method’s robustness is improved in the sense that, if spammers temporarily elude any one constituent classi? er, the other constituent classi? ers Will still be likely to catch the spam. The method includes obtaining a score from each of a plurality of constituent spam classi? ers by applying them to a given input email. The method further includes obtain ing a combined spam score from a combined spam classi? er that takes as input the plurality of constituent spam classi? er scores, the combined spam classi? er being computed auto matically in accordance …
Total citations
Scholar articles
V Rajan, M Wegman, R Segal, J Crawford, J Kephart… - US Patent App. 11/029,069, 2006