Zhiyuan Yao, Zihan Ding, Thomas Clausen
Publication date
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
This paper presents the network load balancing problem, a challenging real-world task for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) methods. Conventional heuristic solutions like Weighted-Cost Multi-Path (WCMP) and Local Shortest Queue (LSQ) are less flexible to the changing workload distributions and arrival rates, with a poor balance among multiple load balancers. The cooperative network load balancing task is formulated as a Dec-POMDP problem, which naturally induces the MARL methods. To bridge the reality gap for applying learning-based methods, all models are directly trained and evaluated on a real-world system from moderate- to large-scale setups. Experimental evaluations show that the independent and "selfish'' load balancing strategies are not necessarily the globally optimal ones, while the proposed MARL solution has a superior performance over different realistic settings. Additionally …
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Scholar articles
Z Yao, Z Ding, T Clausen - Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference …, 2022