Lucia De Stefano Bifulco, Susana Dias, Daniel Eilertz, Barbara Frielingsdorf, Trine Jahr Hegdahl, Eleni Kampragou, Vassilis Kourentzis, Lieke Melsen, Henny AJ van Lanen, Anne F van Loon, Antonio Massarutto, Dario Musolino, Luigi de Paoli, Lanfranco Senn, James Howard Stagge, Lena M Tallaksen, Julia Urquijo
Publication date
This report summarizes the establishment of a pan-European inventory of drought impact reports for the purpose of cross-disciplinary research on drought vulnerability and risk. The report gives a detailed description of the database structure and standardized input interface developed within the DROUGHTR&SPI project and presents the current status of the inventory. The initial, and only short period of data collection focused mainly on the project partners’ countries and on a few priority events. Impacts of the 2003 summer drought in Europe and the 2004-2007 multi-year drought on the Iberian Peninsula, for example, are already well documented. The inventory reveals a large variety of diverse drought impacts and response measures, and although not yet statistically representative, the initial analysis suggests some geographical differences across Europe that may be important to EU policy development. The inventory will be populated with more data throughout the project duration and aims to become an online source to the public later on.