Jishan Liu
Spontaneous switching between permeability enhancement and degradation in fractures in carbonate: lumped parameter representation of mechanically-and chemically-mediated …
H Yasuhara, D Elsworth, A Polak, J Liu, A Grader, P Halleck
Transport in Porous Media 65, 385-409, 2006
Experimental observations of heterogeneous strains inside a dual porosity sample under the influence of gas-sorption: A case study of fractured coal
R Shi, J Liu, X Wang, D Elsworth, Z Liu, M Wei, X Liu, Z Wang
International Journal of Coal Geology 223, 103450, 2020
Structural recovery behavior of barite-loaded bentonite drilling muds
J Yap, YK Leong, J Liu
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (2), 552-558, 2011
A numerical study of the effect of loading conditions on the dynamic failure of rock
WC Zhu, CA Tang, ZP Huang, J Liu
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A critical review of coal permeability models
Q Gao, J Liu, Y Huang, W Li, R Shi, YK Leong, D Elsworth
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Microstructure of sodium montmorillonite gels with long aging time scale
YK Leong, M Du, PI Au, P Clode, J Liu
Langmuir 34 (33), 9673-9682, 2018
Evolution of shale apparent permeability from stress-controlled to displacement-controlled conditions
M Wei, J Liu, X Feng, C Wang, F Zhou
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 34, 1453-1460, 2016
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A process-based coal swelling model: Bridging the gaps between localized swelling and bulk swelling
J Zeng, J Liu, W Li, J Guo
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Analytical solutions for multi-stage fractured shale gas reservoirs with damaged fractures and stimulated reservoir volumes
J Zeng, W Li, J Liu, YK Leong, D Elsworth, J Tian, J Guo, F Zeng
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Surface chemisty, microstructure, and rheology of thixotropic 1-D sepiolite gels
P Liu, M Du, P Clode, H Li, J Liu, YK Leong
Clays and Clay Minerals 68 (1), 9-22, 2020
Influence of airflow movement on methane migration in coal mine goafs with spontaneous coal combustion
L Li, B Qin, J Liu, YK Leong, W Li, J Zeng, D Ma, H Zhuo
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 156, 405-416, 2021
Numerical simulation of geofluid focusing and penetration due to hydraulic fracture
JG Wang, Y Zhang, JS Liu, BY Zhang
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Shale gas production from reservoirs with hierarchical multiscale structural heterogeneities
J Tian, J Liu, D Elsworth, YK Leong, W Li, J Zeng
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208, 109380, 2022
Impact of equilibration time lag between matrix and fractures on the evolution of coal permeability
M Wei, J Liu, D Elsworth, Y Liu, J Zeng, Z He
Fuel 290, 120029, 2021
The evolution of permeability in natural fractures–the competing roles of pressure solution and free-face dissolution
A Polak, H Yasuhara, D Elsworth, J Liu, A Grader, P Halleck
Elsevier Geo-Engineering Book Series 2, 721-726, 2004
Application of transient electromagnetic method for investigating the water-enriched mined-out area
C Yu, X Liu, J Liu, E Li, P Yue, S Yan
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Evaluation of pore water pressure fluctuation around an advancing longwall face
J Liu, D Elsworth
Advances in water resources 22 (6), 633-644, 1999
Modeling the effects of longwail mining on the ground water system
RJ Matetic, J Liu, D Elsworth
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-95-0639, 1995
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