Articles with public access mandates - Chiara Dall'AstaLearn more
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Characterization and discrimination of ancient grains: A metabolomics approach
L Righetti, J Rubert, G Galaverna, S Folloni, R Ranieri, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17 (8), 1217, 2016
Mandates: Government of Spain
Rice bran by-product: From valorization strategies to nutritional perspectives
M Spaggiari, C Dall’Asta, G Galaverna, MD del Castillo Bilbao
Foods 10 (1), 85, 2021
Mandates: Government of Spain, Government of Italy
Interaction of mycotoxin alternariol with serum albumin
E Fliszár-Nyúl, B Lemli, S Kunsági-Máté, L Dellafiora, C Dall’Asta, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 20 (9), 2352, 2019
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, National Office for Research, Development and …
Travelling wave ion mobility-derived collision cross section for mycotoxins: Investigating interlaboratory and interplatform reproducibility
L Righetti, N Dreolin, A Celma, M McCullagh, G Barknowitz, JV Sancho, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 68 (39), 10937-10943, 2020
Mandates: Government of Spain
Formulation and processing factors affecting trichothecene mycotoxins within industrial biscuit-making
S Generotti, M Cirlini, B Šarkanj, M Sulyok, F Berthiller, C Dall'Asta, ...
Food chemistry 229, 597-603, 2017
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
LDS1-produced oxylipins are negative regulators of growth, conidiation and fumonisin synthesis in the fungal maize pathogen Fusarium verticillioides
V Scala, P Giorni, M Cirlini, M Ludovici, I Visentin, F Cardinale, AA Fabbri, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 669, 2014
Mandates: Government of Italy
Deoxynivalenol & deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside mitigation through bakery production strategies: Effective experimental design within industrial rusk-making technology
S Generotti, M Cirlini, A Malachova, M Sulyok, F Berthiller, C Dall’Asta, ...
Toxins 7 (8), 2773-2790, 2015
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Impact of Naturally Contaminated Substrates on Alphitobius diaperinus and Hermetia illucens: Uptake and Excretion of Mycotoxins
G Leni, M Cirlini, J Jacobs, S Depraetere, N Gianotten, S Sforza, ...
Toxins 11 (8), 476, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Modulation of aflatoxin B1 cytotoxicity and aflatoxin M1 synthesis by natural antioxidants in a bovine mammary epithelial cell line
S Ghadiri, V Spalenza, L Dellafiora, P Badino, A Barbarossa, C Dall'Asta, ...
Toxicology In Vitro 57, 174-183, 2019
Mandates: Government of Italy
Response of intestinal HT-29 cells to the trichothecene mycotoxin deoxynivalenol and its sulfated conjugates
G Del Favero, L Woelflingseder, D Braun, H Puntscher, ML Kütt, ...
Toxicology letters 295, 424-437, 2018
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Mycotoxins in maize
R Palumbo, A Goncalves, A Gkrillas, A Logrieco, JL Dorne, C Dall'Asta, ...
Phytopathologia Mediterranea 59 (1), 5-28, 2020
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, European Commission
The route of mycotoxins in the grape food chain
A Gonçalves, R Palumbo, A Guimarães, A Gkrillas, C Dall’Asta, JL Dorne, ...
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 71 (2), 89-104, 2020
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Hydrolysed fumonisin B1 and N-(deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-fumonisin B1: stability and catabolic fate under simulated human gastrointestinal conditions
M Cirlini, I Hahn, E Varga, M Dall’Asta, C Falavigna, L Calani, F Berthiller, ...
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 66 (1), 98-103, 2015
Mandates: Government of Italy
An in silico structural approach to characterize human and rainbow trout estrogenicity of mycotoxins: Proof of concept study using zearalenone and alternariol
L Dellafiora, IP Oswald, JL Dorne, G Galaverna, P Battilani, C Dall'Asta
Food chemistry 312, 126088, 2020
Mandates: Government of Italy
Isolation and Characterization of a New Less-Toxic Derivative of the Fusarium Mycotoxin Diacetoxyscirpenol after Thermal Treatment
M Shams, R Mitterbauer, R Corradini, G Wiesenberger, C Dall’Asta, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (17), 9709-9714, 2011
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Alternaria toxins as casein kinase 2 inhibitors and possible consequences for estrogenicity: a hybrid in silico/in vitro study
G Aichinger, L Dellafiora, F Pantazi, G Del Favero, G Galaverna, ...
Archives of Toxicology 94 (6), 2225-2237, 2020
Mandates: Government of Italy
Cyclodextrins can entrap zearalenone-14-glucoside: interaction of the masked mycotoxin with cyclodextrins and cyclodextrin bead polymer
Z Faisal, E Fliszár-Nyúl, L Dellafiora, G Galaverna, C Dall’Asta, B Lemli, ...
Biomolecules 9 (8), 354, 2019
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, National Office for Research, Development and …
Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2020-2021
SA Tittlemier, B Cramer, C Dall’Asta, MC DeRosa, VMT Lattanzio, ...
World Mycotoxin Journal 15 (1), 3-25, 2022
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Gut microbiota and undigested food constituents modify toxin composition and suppress the genotoxicity of a naturally occurring mixture of Alternaria toxins in vitro
F Crudo, G Aichinger, J Mihajlovic, L Dellafiora, E Varga, H Puntscher, ...
Archives of Toxicology 94 (10), 3541-3552, 2020
Mandates: European Commission
Unveiling the spatial distribution of aflatoxin B1 and plant defense metabolites in maize using AP‐SMALDI mass spectrometry imaging
L Righetti, DR Bhandari, E Rolli, S Tortorella, R Bruni, C Dall’Asta, ...
The Plant Journal 106 (1), 185-199, 2021
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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