Articles with public access mandates - Catherine LyallLearn more
Available somewhere: 16
Deliverable 3.1: Matrix for integration of learning cases and framework of analysis
G Galvini, C Sessa, D Wallace, K Taylor-Wesselink, J Ohlmeyer, C Lyall, ...
ETH Zurich 500, 3, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Blood, meat, and upscaling tissue engineering
N Stephens, E King, C Lyall
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council, Wellcome Trust
Interdisciplinarity Reflected in the Policy Documents of Funding Bodies of INTREPID Members, 1st INTREPID Report, COST Action TD1408
J Bandola-Gill, C Lyall
Intrepid Knowledge; COST-European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2015
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland, European Commission, Royal Netherlands Academy …
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