Articles with public access mandates - Takahiro HaraLearn more
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Generalized durative event detection on social media
Y Zhang, M Shirakawa, T Hara
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 60 (1), 73-95, 2023
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Emergent Topics for Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems in Smartphone, IOT, and Cloud Computing ERA
T Hara, S Sigg, L Shu, F De Pellegrini, C Petrioli, SK Madria
IEEE Access 5, 27827-27830, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
Joint Estimation of the Distance and Relative Velocity of Obstacles via Smartphone Active Sound Sensing for Pedestrian Safety
T Dissanayake, T Maekawa, T Hara
2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2023
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Real-time Integration of Social Media Background in Dynamic Recommendation Systems.
Y Zhang, XS Fang, T Hara
eCom@ SIGIR, 2023
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Retrieving Top-N Weighted Spatial k-cliques
R Taniguchi, D Amagata, T Hara
2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 4952-4961, 2022
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
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