Articles with public access mandates - Ken E. GillerLearn more
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Soyabean response to rhizobium inoculation across sub-Saharan Africa: Patterns of variation and the role of promiscuity
J van Heerwaarden, F Baijukya, S Kyei-Boahen, S Adjei-Nsiah, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 261, 211-218, 2018
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Climate variability and change in southern Mali: learning from farmer perceptions and on-farm trials
B Traore, MT Van Wijk, K Descheemaeker, M Corbeels, MC Rufino, ...
Experimental Agriculture 51 (4), 615-634, 2015
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada, Department of …
Trade-offs around the use of biomass for livestock feed and soil cover in dairy farms in the Alaotra lake region of Madagascar
K Naudin, G Bruelle, P Salgado, E Penot, E Scopel, M Lubbers, ...
Agricultural Systems 134, 36-47, 2015
Mandates: European Commission
Understanding variability in the benefits of N2-fixation in soybean-maize rotations on smallholder farmers’ fields in Malawi
D van Vugt, AC Franke, KE Giller
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 261, 241-250, 2018
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
A recipe for success? Learning from the rapid adoption of improved chickpea varieties in Ethiopia
S Verkaart, K Mausch, L Claessens, KE Giller
International journal of agricultural sustainability 17 (1), 34-48, 2019
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Yield gap analysis and entry points for improving productivity on large oil palm plantations and smallholder farms in Ghana
T Rhebergen, T Fairhurst, A Whitbread, KE Giller, S Zingore
Agricultural Systems 165, 14-25, 2018
Mandates: CGIAR
Making the most of imperfect data: a critical evaluation of standard information collected in farm household surveys
S Fraval, J Hammond, J Wichern, SJ Oosting, IJM De Boer, N Teufel, ...
Experimental Agriculture 55 (2), 230-250, 2019
Mandates: US Agency for International Development, CGIAR
Current and potential role of grain legumes on protein and micronutrient adequacy of the diet of rural Ghanaian infants and young children: using linear programming
I de Jager, KJ Borgonjen-Van Den Berg, KE Giller, ID Brouwer
Nutrition journal 18, 1-16, 2019
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US Agency for International Development
Farmers’ use and adaptation of improved climbing bean production practices in the highlands of Uganda
E Ronner, K Descheemaeker, CJM Almekinders, P Ebanyat, KE Giller
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 261, 186-200, 2018
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Evaluation of climate adaptation options for Sudano-Sahelian cropping systems
B Traore, MT Van Wijk, K Descheemaeker, M Corbeels, MC Rufino, ...
Field Crops Research 156, 63-75, 2014
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
How sustainable is sustainable intensification? Assessing yield gaps at field and farm level across the globe
JV Silva, P Reidsma, F Baudron, AG Laborte, KE Giller, MK van Ittersum
Global Food Security 30, 100552, 2021
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, CGIAR
A living income for cocoa producers in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana?
JA van Vliet, MA Slingerland, YR Waarts, KE Giller
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, 732831, 2021
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, CGIAR
Living income benchmarking of rural households in low-income countries
GWJ van de Ven, A de Valença, W Marinus, I de Jager, ...
Food Security 13, 729-749, 2021
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
Soil greenhouse gas emissions from inorganic fertilizers and recycled oil palm waste products from Indonesian oil palm plantations
N Rahman, TB Bruun, KE Giller, J Magid, GWJ van de Ven, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 11 (9), 1056-1074, 2019
Mandates: CGIAR
Waking the Sleeping Giant: Agricultural intensification, extensification or stagnation in Mali's Guinea Savannah
MH Ollenburger, K Descheemaeker, TA Crane, OM Sanogo, KE Giller
Agricultural Systems 148, 58-70, 2016
Mandates: CGIAR
Herbicide Induced Hunger? Conservation Agriculture, Ganyu Labour and Rural Poverty in Central Malawi
TI Bouwman, JA Andersson, KE Giller
The Journal of Development Studies 57 (2), 244-263, 2021
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, CGIAR
Agricultural intensification and policy interventions: Exploring plausible futures for smallholder farmers in Southern Mali
GN Falconnier, K Descheemaeker, B Traore, A Bayoko, KE Giller
Land use policy 70, 623-634, 2018
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
Applying the aboveground-belowground interaction concept in agriculture: Spatio-temporal scales matter
GF Veen, ERJ Wubs, RD Bardgett, E Barrios, MA Bradford, S Carvalho, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 300, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Netherlands …
Food and nutrient gaps in rural Northern Ghana: Does production of smallholder farming households support adoption of food-based dietary guidelines?
I de Jager, KE Giller, ID Brouwer
PloS one 13 (9), e0204014, 2018
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Are farmers searching for an African green revolution? Exploring the solution space for agricultural intensification in Southern Mali
M Ollenburger, T Crane, K Descheemaeker, KE Giller
Experimental Agriculture 55 (2), 288-310, 2019
Mandates: US Agency for International Development
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