Scott C. D'Urso
Examining the scope of channel expansion: A test of channel expansion theory with new and traditional communication media
SC D'Urso, SA Rains
Management Communication Quarterly 21 (4), 486-507, 2008
Who’s watching us at work? Toward a structural–perceptual model of electronic monitoring and surveillance in organizations
SC D’Urso
Communication Theory 16 (3), 281-303, 2006
Connected to the organization: A survey of communication technologies in the modern organizational landscape
SC D'Urso, KM Pierce
Communication Research Reports 26 (1), 75-81, 2009
The past, present, and future of human communication and technology research: An introduction
SC D’Urso
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 14 (3), 708-713, 2009
Towards the final frontier: Using strategic communication activities to engage a latent public as a key stakeholder in a corporate mission.
SC D'Urso
The International Journal of Strategic Communication 12 (3), 288-307, 2018
Threads of intersection and distinction: Joining an ongoing conversation within organizational communication research
SB Feldner, SC D'Urso
Communication research trends, 2010
Commentary—Space is hard: Using social media for selective investigative disclosure as a multi-faceted crisis communication strategy to achieve technical transparency
ED Waters, SC D’Urso
International journal of business communication 60 (2), 635-655, 2023
Exploring Organizational Communication (Micro) History Through Network Connections
DH D'Urso, Scott C., Fyke, Jeremy P., Torres
Review of Communication 14 (2), 89-106, 2014
Finding a home for communication technologies
CR Scott, LK Lewis, SC D'Urso, JD Davis
Oxford University Press, 2009
Channel Expansion Theory
SC D'Urso
The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology, 1-6, 2020
Getting on the" E" list: Email list use in a community of service provider organizations for people experiencing homelessness
CR Scott, LK Lewis, SC D’Urso
Cases on online discussion and interaction: Experiences and outcomes, 334-350, 2010
Development of collaborative communication: A case study of an interorganizational network
LK Lewis, CR Scott, S D’Urso
Working paper, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2010
What’s in a name? Managing multiple organizational identities in a Catholic university
SB Feldner, SC D'Urso
Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, 2009
The Sulzer Hip replacement recall crisis: A patient's perspective
K Stephens, S D'Urso, P Holmes
SAGE Publications, 2006
Development of interorganizational communication: A case study of an IOR network
LK Lewis, CR Scott, SC D’Urso, J Davis
annual conference of the National Communication Association, San Diego …, 2008
Electronic monitoring and surveillance in the workplace: Modeling the panoptic effect potential of communication technology, organizational factors and policies
SC D'Urso
The University of Texas at Austin, 2005
The impact of intention to handle conflict face-to-face or via e-mail on perceived conflict resolution style
MM Mitchell, CT Rankin, SC D'Urso, P Malone
ICA, 2002
Genealogy of the Field
SC D'Urso, JP Fyke
The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication 2, 989-1005, 2017
Enhancing the circuitry: Using facilitated dialogue to improve communication on labor and delivery
SCDU Barry C. Henrichs, Jessica N. Rock, Matthew B. Lee, Paul M. Lemen ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 126, doi: 10.1097/01.AOG.0000471039.91963.c8, 2015
Engaging the Digitally Engaged Student: Comparing Technology-Mediated Communication Use and Effects on Student Learning
SC D’Urso, CR Scott
Teaching, Learning and the Net Generation: Concepts and Tools for Reaching …, 2012
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