Lorin M. Hitt

Lorin M. Hitt

Professor of Operations and Information Management, Wharton School
Verificeret mail på wharton.upenn.edu
Citeret af 40395
jacques bughin

jacques bughin

Mckinsey, McKinsey Global Institute,
Verificeret mail på mckinsey.com
Citeret af 29409
Peter Weill

Peter Weill

MIT Sloan School of Management
Verificeret mail på mit.edu
Citeret af 28923
Dr.Rucha  Kamat

Dr.Rucha Kamat

Librarian,Kolhapur Institute of Technology,Kolhapur
Verificeret mail på kitcoek.in
Citeret af 19528
Joel Waldfogel

Joel Waldfogel

University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management and Department of Economics
Verificeret mail på umn.edu
Citeret af 14166
Jill Naiman

Jill Naiman

Teaching Assistant Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana …
Verificeret mail på illinois.edu
Citeret af 13582
Steffen Mau

Steffen Mau

Professor of Sociology/Professor für Soziologie, Humboldt University of Berlin
Verificeret mail på hu-berlin.de
Citeret af 12873
John Horton

John Horton

MIT Sloan School of Management & NBER
Verificeret mail på mit.edu
Citeret af 9906
Tony W. Tong

Tony W. Tong

University of Colorado Boulder
Verificeret mail på colorado.edu
Citeret af 5911
Tarek Rahil Sheltami

Tarek Rahil Sheltami

Professor of Electircal and Computer Engineering, KFUPM
Verificeret mail på kfupm.edu.sa
Citeret af 4806
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