Jure Leskovec

Jure Leskovec

Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University
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Citeret af 177184
Thomas Kipf

Thomas Kipf

Staff Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
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Citeret af 54783
Andreas Søgaard

Andreas Søgaard

Marie Curie Fellow, NBI
Verificeret mail på nbi.ku.dk
Citeret af 52201
Michael Bronstein

Michael Bronstein

DeepMind Professor of AI, University of Oxford / AITHYRA
Verificeret mail på cs.ox.ac.uk
Citeret af 43372
Jiliang Tang

Jiliang Tang

University Foundation Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State …
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Citeret af 39165
Irwin King

Irwin King

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Citeret af 34225
Petar Veličković

Petar Veličković

Staff Research Scientist, Google DeepMind | Affiliated Lecturer, University of Cambridge
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Citeret af 32785
Shirui Pan

Shirui Pan

Full Professor, ARC Future Fellow, FQA, Director of TrustAGI Lab, Griffith University
Verificeret mail på griffith.edu.au
Citeret af 31957
Junzhou Huang

Junzhou Huang

Jenkins Garrett Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, the University of Texas at …
Verificeret mail på uta.edu
Citeret af 29513
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