Daniel Pauly

Daniel Pauly

Sea Around Us, University Killam Professor, University of British Columbia
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Citeret af 151824
Scott Doney

Scott Doney

Professor, Dept. Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
Verificeret mail på virginia.edu
Citeret af 90023
Karsenti Eric

Karsenti Eric

Senior scientist EMBL
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Citeret af 35189
Dirk Zeller

Dirk Zeller

Professor, University of Western Australia
Verificeret mail på uwa.edu.au
Citeret af 27559
Michael Alexander

Michael Alexander

NOAA/Physical Sciences Laboratory
Verificeret mail på noaa.gov
Citeret af 26250
Steven J. Bograd

Steven J. Bograd

NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
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Citeret af 24785
Simon Thrush

Simon Thrush

Professor and Director Institute of Marine Science
Verificeret mail på auckland.ac.nz
Citeret af 24018
M.J. Follows

MJ Follows

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Verificeret mail på ocean.mit.edu
Citeret af 20080
Mary S. Wisz

Mary S. Wisz

World Maritime University
Verificeret mail på wmu.se
Citeret af 19120
J.A. van Franeker (Jan Andries)

JA van Franeker (Jan Andries)

senior scientist (retired, but still involved), Wageningen Marine Research, WUR, Den Helder …
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Citeret af 16121
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