Dr. Md. Moazzem Hossain

Dr. Md. Moazzem Hossain

Professor, Department of Fisheries Management, Patuakhali Science and Technology
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Zitiert von: 6556
Marco Ottinger

Marco Ottinger

Research Scientist at German Aerospace Center (DLR), German Remote Sensing Data …
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Nguyen Van Hoa 000785

Nguyen Van Hoa 000785

Professor of Aquaculture, Cantho University
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Zitiert von: 975
Md. Sherazul Islam

Md. Sherazul Islam

Professor of Fisheries & Marine Bioscience
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Zitiert von: 448
Hiroki Murata

Hiroki Murata

Project Research Associate, RCAST, The University of Tokyo
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Zitiert von: 68
Prasobsook Paenkaew

Prasobsook Paenkaew

R&D coordinator
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Zitiert von: 12


Fisheries Officer at Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh
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Zitiert von: 2
Ravi Prasanth S

Ravi Prasanth S

Central University of Tamil Nadu
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