Azeem Majeed

Azeem Majeed

Professor of Primary Care & Public Health, Imperial College London
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Søren Brunak

Søren Brunak

Professor of Disease Systems Biology, University of Copenhagen
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Derek Hill

Derek Hill

CEO, Panoramic Digital Health
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Khurram Nasir

Khurram Nasir

Chief CV Prevention/Wellness Houston Methodist, Professor of Medicine Weill Cornell
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Richard Hobbs

Richard Hobbs

Head of Primary Care Health Sciences, Oxford University
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Zitiert von: 135115
Deborah Estrin

Deborah Estrin

Professor of Computer Science, Cornell Tech, Cornell University
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Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam

Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam

Associate Professor, Institute for Physical we Activity and Nutrition (IPAN), Deakin University
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Kazem Rahimi

Kazem Rahimi

University of Oxford;
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Josip Car

Josip Car

Head, School of Life Course and Population Sciences, King's College London
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Guillermo Sapiro

Guillermo Sapiro

James B. Duke Professor, Duke University; Distinguished Engineer, Health AI Lead, Apple …
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