Daniel Miracle

Daniel Miracle

AF Research Laboratory
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Zitiert von: 44459


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Zitiert von: 26764
Yuan Wu

Yuan Wu

State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, USTB
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Zitiert von: 18359
Pengfei Guan

Pengfei Guan

Professor, PI, Beijing Computational Science Research Center
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Zitiert von: 7745
Sun, Baoan(孙保安)

Sun, Baoan(孙保安)

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science
Zitiert von: 5481
Dong MA

Dong MA

Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory
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Zitiert von: 5107
Junqiang Wang (王军强)

Junqiang Wang (王军强)

Chinese Academy of Science, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering
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Zitiert von: 4649
Anish Roy

Anish Roy

Loughborough University
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Zitiert von: 4416
Tao Feng

Tao Feng

Professor of Herbert Gleiter Institute of Nanoscience, Nanjing University of Science and …
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Zitiert von: 3947
Young-Sang Na

Young-Sang Na

Korea Institute of Materials Science
Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei kims.re.kr
Zitiert von: 3592
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