Till Winfried Bärnighausen

Till Winfried Bärnighausen

Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital …
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Zitiert von: 150591
Mohsen Afarideh, MD MPH

Mohsen Afarideh, MD MPH

Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic
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Zitiert von: 75708
Stephen J LeBlanc

Stephen J LeBlanc

University of Guelph
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Zitiert von: 23633
Teresa Liu-Ambrose

Teresa Liu-Ambrose

Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair, University of British Columbia
Zitiert von: 23348
Peter John

Peter John

Professor of Public Policy, King's College London
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Zitiert von: 21464
Vishnu Renjith

Vishnu Renjith

School of Nursing & Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
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Zitiert von: 21090
Shai Iris

Shai Iris

Prof. Iris Shai - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Adjunct Professor at Harvard University …
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Zitiert von: 18989
Dr Jonathan Sinclair

Dr Jonathan Sinclair

University of Central Lancashire
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Zitiert von: 18247
John A Cunningham

John A Cunningham

Professor, King's College London
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Zitiert von: 12505
Thomas R Sullivan

Thomas R Sullivan

South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute
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Zitiert von: 10999
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