Harald Kunstmann

Harald Kunstmann

Professor for Regional Climate and Hydrology
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Zitiert von: 11700
Doug Kent

Doug Kent

Scientist Emeritus, US Geological Survey
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Zitiert von: 5168
Parisa Hosseinzadehtalaei

Parisa Hosseinzadehtalaei

FWO postdoctoral researcher @ Ghent University
Zitiert von: 5142
Giriraj Amarnath

Giriraj Amarnath

Research Group Leader: Water Risks and Disasters, International Water Management …
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Zitiert von: 3402
Edward Stets

Edward Stets

US Geological Survey
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Zitiert von: 3310
Manohar Arora

Manohar Arora

Scientist, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India
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Zitiert von: 1919
Melissa A Harris

Melissa A Harris

Physical Scientist, US Geological Survey
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Zitiert von: 1193
Jennifer Lea David Keisman

Jennifer Lea David Keisman

Hydrologic Impacts Branch Chief, USGS Water Mission Area
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Sara Levin

Sara Levin

Upper Midwest Water Science Center, US Geological Survey
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Zitiert von: 324
Anthony Martinez

Anthony Martinez

Data Science Branch, US Geological Survey
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Zitiert von: 74
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