Christoph Arndt
Christoph Arndt
Lecturer in Comparative Politics, Department of Politics and IR, University of Reading
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The electoral consequences of third way welfare state reforms: Social democracy’s transformation and its political costs
C Arndt
Amsterdam University Press, 2013
Policy instruments and welfare state reform
C Jensen, C Arndt, S Lee, G Wenzelburger
Journal of European Social Policy 28 (2), 161-176, 2018
Union members at the polls in diverse trade union landscapes
C Arndt, L Rennwald
European Journal of Political Research 55 (4), 702-722, 2016
Beating S ocial D emocracy on Its Own Turf: Issue Convergence as Winning Formula for the Centre‐Right in U niversal W elfare S tates
C Arndt
Scandinavian Political Studies 37 (2), 149-170, 2014
Risky business? Welfare state reforms and government support in Britain and Denmark
S Lee, C Jensen, C Arndt, G Wenzelburger
British Journal of Political Science 50 (1), 165-184, 2020
The centre-periphery divide and attitudes towards climate change measures among Western Europeans
C Arndt, D Halikiopoulou, C Vrakopoulos
Environmental Politics, 1-26, 2022
White-Collar Unions and Attitudes towards Income Inequality, Redistribution, and State–Market Relations
C Arndt
European Sociological Review 34 (6), 675-693, 2018
Climate change vs energy security? The conditional support for energy sources among Western Europeans
C Arndt
Energy Policy 174, 113471, 2023
How governments strategically time welfare state reform legislation: empirical evidence from five European countries
G Wenzelburger, C Jensen, S Lee, C Arndt
West European Politics 43 (6), 1285-1314, 2020
Social democracy after the Third Way: restoration or renewal?
C Arndt, K van Kersbergen
Policy & Politics 43 (2), 203-220, 2015
Social democracy’s mobilization of new constituencies: The role of electoral systems
C Arndt
Party Politics 20 (5), 778-790, 2014
Workplace characteristics and working class vote for the old and new right
C Arndt, L Rennwald
British journal of industrial relations 55 (1), 137-164, 2017
Issue evolution and partisan polarization in a European multiparty system: Elite and mass repositioning in Denmark 1968–2011
C Arndt
European Union Politics 17 (4), 660-682, 2016
Ethnicity Coding Revisited: Right‐Wing Parties as Catalysts for Mobilization Against Immigrant Welfare Rights
C Arndt, JPF Thomsen
Scandinavian Political Studies 42 (2), 93-117, 2019
The electoral consequences of reforming a Bismarckian welfare
C Arndt
How welfare states shape the democratic public, 2014
Flexicurity policies in Europe–Diffusion and Effects of flexicurity labour market policies
C Arndt, F Hörisch
CUPESSE Working Paper, 2015
Voters' wrath? Policy change and government popularity
C Arndt, C Jensen, G Wenzelburger
Governance 34 (1), 147-169, 2021
Sozialstaatliche Kürzungspolitik in Deutschland: Nur eine Mär? Eine quantitative Gesetzgebungsanalyse 1974–2014
G Wenzelburger, C Arndt, C Jensen
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 59 (4), 681-712, 2018
An Empirical Model of Issue Evolution and Partisan Realignment in a Multiparty System
C Arndt
Political Research Quarterly 71 (1), 59-74, 2018
The electoral consequences of welfare state reforms for the Danish Social Democrats
C Arndt
World Political Science 9 (1), 319-335, 2013
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