Alessandro Zenesini
Alessandro Zenesini
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Dynamical control of matter-wave tunneling in periodic potentials
H Lignier, C Sias, D Ciampini, Y Singh, A Zenesini, O Morsch, E Arimondo
Physical review letters 99 (22), 220403, 2007
Coherent control of dressed matter waves
A Zenesini, H Lignier, D Ciampini, O Morsch, E Arimondo
Physical review letters 102 (10), 100403, 2009
Observation of photon-assisted tunneling in optical lattices
C Sias, H Lignier, YP Singh, A Zenesini, D Ciampini, O Morsch, ...
Physical review letters 100 (4), 040404, 2008
Exploring dynamic localization with a Bose-Einstein condensate
A Eckardt, M Holthaus, H Lignier, A Zenesini, D Ciampini, O Morsch, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (1), 013611, 2009
Universality of the three-body parameter for Efimov states in ultracold cesium
M Berninger, A Zenesini, B Huang, W Harm, HC Nägerl, F Ferlaino, ...
Physical review letters 107 (12), 120401, 2011
Efimov resonances in ultracold quantum gases
F Ferlaino, A Zenesini, M Berninger, B Huang, HC Nägerl, R Grimm
Few-Body Systems 51, 113-133, 2011
Time-resolved measurement of Landau-Zener tunneling in periodic potentials
A Zenesini, H Lignier, G Tayebirad, J Radogostowicz, D Ciampini, ...
Physical review letters 103 (9), 090403, 2009
Feshbach resonances, weakly bound molecular states, and coupled-channel potentials for cesium at high magnetic fields
M Berninger, A Zenesini, B Huang, W Harm, HC Nägerl, F Ferlaino, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (3), 032517, 2013
Resonantly enhanced tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in periodic potentials
C Sias, A Zenesini, H Lignier, S Wimberger, D Ciampini, O Morsch, ...
Physical review letters 98 (12), 120403, 2007
Ultracold Gas of Bosonic Ground-State Molecules
KK Voges, P Gersema, M Meyer zum Alten Borgloh, TA Schulze, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (8), 083401, 2020
Probing Photoinduced Two-Body Loss of Ultracold Nonreactive Bosonic and Molecules
P Gersema, KK Voges, M Meyer zum Alten Borgloh, L Koch, T Hartmann, ...
Physical Review Letters 127 (16), 163401, 2021
Resonant tunneling of Bose–Einstein condensates in optical lattices
A Zenesini, C Sias, H Lignier, Y Singh, D Ciampini, O Morsch, R Mannella, ...
New Journal of Physics 10 (5), 053038, 2008
Resonant five-body recombination in an ultracold gas of bosonic atoms
A Zenesini, B Huang, M Berninger, S Besler, HC Nägerl, F Ferlaino, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (4), 043040, 2013
Time-resolved measurement of landau-zener tunneling in different bases
G Tayebirad, A Zenesini, D Ciampini, R Mannella, O Morsch, E Arimondo, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (1), 013633, 2010
Feshbach spectroscopy and dual-species Bose-Einstein condensation of mixtures
TA Schulze, T Hartmann, KK Voges, MW Gempel, E Tiemann, A Zenesini, ...
Physical Review A 97 (2), 023623, 2018
Observation of Stückelberg oscillations in accelerated optical lattices
A Zenesini, D Ciampini, O Morsch, E Arimondo
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (6), 065601, 2010
Resonant atom-dimer collisions in cesium: Testing universality at positive scattering lengths
A Zenesini, B Huang, M Berninger, HC Nägerl, F Ferlaino, R Grimm
Physical Review A 90 (2), 022704, 2014
Observation of massless and massive collective excitations with Faraday patterns in a two-component superfluid
R Cominotti, A Berti, A Farolfi, A Zenesini, G Lamporesi, I Carusotto, ...
Physical Review Letters 128 (21), 210401, 2022
Tunneling control and localization for Bose-Einstein condensates in a frequency modulated optical lattice
A Zenesini, H Lignier, C Sias, O Morsch, D Ciampini, E Arimondo
Laser physics 20, 1182-1189, 2010
The mixing-demixing phase diagram of ultracold heteronuclear mixtures in a ring trimer
A Richaud, A Zenesini, V Penna
Scientific reports 9 (1), 6908, 2019
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