Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Allard MoskWeitere Informationen
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Pushing the limits of single-photon information encoding
T Hummel, T Tentrup, R Uppu, AP Mosk, PWH Pinkse
2016 15th Workshop on Information Optics (WIO), 1-3, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Verfügbar: 61
Roadmap on optical security
B Javidi, A Carnicer, M Yamaguchi, T Nomura, E Pérez-Cabré, MS Millán, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (8), 083001, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission
Superpixel-based spatial amplitude and phase modulation using a digital micromirror device
SA Goorden, J Bertolotti, AP Mosk
Optics express 22 (15), 17999-18009, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Quantum-secure authentication of a physical unclonable key
SA Goorden, M Horstmann, AP Mosk, B Škorić, PWH Pinkse
Optica 1 (6), 421-424, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Speckle correlation resolution enhancement of wide-field fluorescence imaging
H Yilmaz, EG van Putten, J Bertolotti, A Lagendijk, WL Vos, AP Mosk
Optica 2 (5), 424-429, 2015
Mandate: European Commission
Roadmap on wavefront shaping and deep imaging in complex media
S Gigan, O Katz, HB de Aguiar, ER Andresen, A Aubry, J Bertolotti, ...
Journal of Physics: Photonics 4 (4), 042501, 2022
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Netherlands …
Transmission channels for light in absorbing random media: From diffusive to ballistic-like transport
SF Liew, SM Popoff, AP Mosk, WL Vos, H Cao
Physical Review B 89 (22), 224202, 2014
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Rotational memory effect of a multimode fiber
LV Amitonova, AP Mosk, PWH Pinkse
Optics express 23 (16), 20569-20575, 2015
Mandate: European Commission
High-resolution wavefront shaping with a photonic crystal fiber for multimode fiber imaging
LV Amitonova, A Descloux, J Petschulat, MH Frosz, G Ahmed, F Babic, ...
Optics Letters 41 (3), 497-500, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission
Maximum information states for coherent scattering measurements
D Bouchet, S Rotter, AP Mosk
Nature Physics 17 (5), 564-568, 2021
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Netherlands …
Imaging of objects through a thin scattering layer using a spectrally and spatially separated reference
X Xu, X Xie, A Thendiyammal, H Zhuang, J Xie, Y Liu, J Zhou, AP Mosk
Optics express 26 (12), 15073-15083, 2018
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Netherlands Organisation for …
Imaging objects through scattering layers and around corners by retrieval of the scattered point spread function
X Xu, X Xie, H He, H Zhuang, J Zhou, A Thendiyammal, AP Mosk
Optics Express 25 (26), 32829-32840, 2017
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Netherlands Organisation for …
Local density of optical states in the band gap of a finite one-dimensional photonic crystal
E Yeganegi, A Lagendijk, AP Mosk, WL Vos
Physical Review B 89 (4), 045123, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Programmable multiport optical circuits in opaque scattering materials
SR Huisman, TJ Huisman, TAW Wolterink, AP Mosk, PWH Pinkse
Optics express 23 (3), 3102-3116, 2015
Mandate: European Commission
Scattering invariant modes of light in complex media
P Pai, J Bosch, M Kühmayer, S Rotter, AP Mosk
Nature Photonics 15 (6), 431-434, 2021
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Netherlands …
Finite-size Scaling of the Density of States in Photonic Band Gap Crystals
SB Hasan, AP Mosk, WL Vos, A Lagendijk
Physical Review Letters 120 (23), 237402, 2018
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Design of a three-dimensional photonic band gap cavity in a diamondlike inverse woodpile photonic crystal
LA Woldering, AP Mosk, WL Vos
Physical Review B 90 (11), 115140, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Three-dimensional spatially resolved optical energy density enhanced by wavefront shaping
P Hong, OS Ojambati, A Lagendijk, AP Mosk, WL Vos
Optica 5 (7), 844-849, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Defense, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Programming balanced optical beam splitters in white paint
SR Huisman, TJ Huisman, SA Goorden, AP Mosk, PWH Pinkse
Optics express 22 (7), 8320-8332, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Asymmetric cryptography with physical unclonable keys
R Uppu, TAW Wolterink, SA Goorden, B Chen, B Škorić, AP Mosk, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 4 (4), 045011, 2019
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission
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