Dr. phil. Corinna Nerz
Dr. phil. Corinna Nerz
Robert Bosch Hospital
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Walking on common ground: a cross-disciplinary scoping review on the clinical utility of digital mobility outcomes
A Polhemus, L Delgado-Ortiz, G Brittain, N Chynkiamis, F Salis, H Gaßner, ...
NPJ digital medicine 4 (1), 149, 2021
The adapted lifestyle-integrated functional exercise program for preventing functional decline in young seniors: development and initial evaluation
M Schwenk, R Bergquist, E Boulton, JM Van Ancum, C Nerz, M Weber, ...
Gerontology 65 (4), 362-374, 2019
Concurrent validity and reliability of the Community Balance and Mobility scale in young-older adults
M Weber, J Van Ancum, R Bergquist, K Taraldsen, K Gordt, AS Mikolaizak, ...
BMC geriatrics 18, 1-10, 2018
Lifestyle-integrated functional exercise to prevent falls and promote physical activity: results from the LiFE-is-LiFE randomized non-inferiority trial
CP Jansen, C Nerz, S Labudek, S Gottschalk, F Kramer-Gmeiner, J Klenk, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 18, 1-12, 2021
Comparison of a group-delivered and individually delivered lifestyle-integrated functional exercise (LiFE) program in older persons: a randomized noninferiority trial
CP Jansen, C Nerz, F Kramer, S Labudek, J Klenk, J Dams, HH König, ...
BMC geriatrics 18, 1-14, 2018
Development of a conceptual framework for a group-based format of the Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise (gLiFE) programme and its initial feasibility testing
F Kramer, S Labudek, CP Jansen, C Nerz, L Fleig, L Clemson, C Becker, ...
Pilot and feasibility studies 6, 1-18, 2020
Predicting advanced balance ability and mobility with an instrumented timed up and go test
R Bergquist, C Nerz, K Taraldsen, S Mellone, EAF Ihlen, B Vereijken, ...
Sensors 20 (17), 4987, 2020
Model development to study strategies of younger and older adults getting up from the floor
L Schwickert, C Oberle, C Becker, U Lindemann, J Klenk, M Schwenk, ...
Aging clinical and experimental research 28, 277-287, 2016
Mediating factors on the association between fear of falling and health-related quality of life in community-dwelling German older people: a cross-sectional study
S Gottschalk, HH König, M Schwenk, CP Jansen, C Nerz, C Becker, ...
BMC geriatrics 20, 1-11, 2020
Effectiveness of robot-assisted training added to conventional rehabilitation in patients with humeral fracture early after surgical treatment: protocol of a randomised …
C Nerz, L Schwickert, C Becker, S Studier-Fischer, JA Müßig, P Augat
Trials 18, 1-9, 2017
Group or individual lifestyle-integrated functional exercise (LiFE)? A qualitative analysis of acceptability
L Reicherzer, F Kramer-Gmeiner, S Labudek, CP Jansen, C Nerz, ...
BMC geriatrics 21, 1-12, 2021
Creating and validating a shortened version of the community balance and mobility scale for application in people who are 61 to 70 years of age
K Gordt, AS Mikolaizak, K Taraldsen, R Bergquist, JM Van Ancum, C Nerz, ...
Physical therapy 100 (1), 180-191, 2020
Trainer-Manual-aktiv und sicher durchs Leben mit dem LiFE Programm: evidenzbasierte Sturzprophylaxe für Senioren
L Clemson, J Munro, MF Singh, M Schwenk, C Nerz
Springer-Verlag, 2018
A multifactorial interdisciplinary intervention to prevent functional and mobility decline for more participation in (pre-) frail community-dwelling older adults (PromeTheus …
C Werner, N Wolf-Belala, C Nerz, B Abel, T Braun, C Grüneberg, C Thiel, ...
BMC geriatrics 22 (1), 124, 2022
German version of the community balance and mobility scale: translation and evaluation of measurement properties
K Gordt, AS Mikolaizak, C Nerz, C Barz, T Gerhardy, M Weber, C Becker, ...
Cost-effectiveness of a group vs individually delivered exercise program in community-dwelling persons aged≥ 70 years
S Gottschalk, HH König, M Schwenk, C Nerz, C Becker, J Klenk, ...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 23 (5), 736-742. e6, 2022
Association between everyday walking activity, objective and perceived risk of falling in older adults
CP Jansen, J Klenk, C Nerz, C Todd, S Labudek, F Kramer-Gmeiner, ...
Age and ageing 50 (5), 1586-1592, 2021
Applying social cognition models to explain walking duration in older adults: The role of intrinsic motivation
S Labudek, L Fleig, CP Jansen, F Kramer-Gmeiner, C Nerz, C Becker, ...
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 29 (5), 744-752, 2021
Group-based and individually delivered LiFE: content evaluation and predictors of training response–a dose-response analysis
C Nerz, F Kramer-Gmeiner, CP Jansen, S Labudek, J Klenk, C Becker, ...
Clinical interventions in aging, 637-652, 2023
The Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE) program and its modifications: a narrative review
N Hezel, C Körbi, M Wolf, M Adams, CP Jansen, S Labudek, ...
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