Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Robert SteigerWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 7
Behavioural adaptation of skiers to climatic variability and change in Ontario, Canada
M Rutty, D Scott, P Johnson, E Jover, M Pons, R Steiger
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 11, 13-21, 2015
Mandate: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences …
Climate change impact assessment of ski tourism in Tyrol
R Steiger, J Stötter
Tourism Geographies 15 (4), 577-600, 2013
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Scenarios for skiing tourism in Austria: integrating demographics with an analysis of climate change
R Steiger
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2012
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Climate change and the future of the Norwegian alpine ski industry
D Scott, R Steiger, H Dannevig, C Aall
Current Issues in Tourism 23 (19), 2396-2409, 2020
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Regional ski tourism risk to climate change: An inter-comparison of Eastern Canada and US Northeast markets
D Scott, R Steiger, N Knowles, Y Fang
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 28 (4), 568-586, 2020
Mandate: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Kapitel 4: Gesundheit, Tourismus
H Moshammer, F Prettenthaler, A Damm, HP Hutter, A Jiricka, J Köberl, ...
Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14). Austrian Panel …, 2014
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Kapitel 6: Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Anthroposphäre
M König, W Loibl, R Steiger, H Aspöck, B Bednar-Friedl, KM Brunner, ...
Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14). Austrian Panel …, 2014
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Verfügbar: 10
The impact of climate change on ski season length and snowmaking requirements in Tyrol, Austria
R Steiger
Climate Research 43 (3), 251-262, 2010
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
The impact of snow scarcity on ski tourism: an analysis of the record warm season 2006/2007 in Tyrol (Austria)
R Steiger
Tourism Review 66 (3), 4-13, 2011
Mandate: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Using ski industry response to climatic variability to assess climate change risk: An analogue study in Eastern Canada
M Rutty, D Scott, P Johnson, M Pons, R Steiger, M Vilella
Tourism Management, 196-204, 2017
Mandate: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
The differential futures of ski tourism in Ontario (Canada) under climate change: The limits of snowmaking adaptation
D Scott, R Steiger, M Rutty, M Pons, P Johnson
Current Issues in Tourism 22 (11), 1327-1342, 2019
Mandate: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences …
Denying bogus skepticism in climate change and tourism research
CM Hall, B Amelung, S Cohen, E Eijgelaar, S Gössling, J Higham, ...
Tourism Management, 2014
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
The geography of skier adaptation to adverse conditions in the Ontario ski market
M Rutty, D Scott, P Johnson, E Jover, M Pons, R Steiger
The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 59 (4), 391-403, 2015
Mandate: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences …
Climate Change and Ski Tourism Sustainability: An Integrated Model of the Adaptive Dynamics between Ski Area Operations and Skier Demand
D Scott, R Steiger, M Rutty, M Pons, P Johnson
Sustainability 12 (24), 10617, 2020
Mandate: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
No time for smokescreen skepticism: A rejoinder to Shani and Arad
CM Hall, B Amelung, S Cohen, E Eijgelaar, S Gössling, J Higham, ...
Tourism Management, 2014
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Adaptive capacity of ski resorts in Western Norway to projected changes in snow conditions
H Dannevig, IM Gildestad, R Steiger, D Scott
Current Issues in Tourism 24 (22), 3206-3221, 2021
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Tourism climatology: past, present, and future
M Rutty, R Steiger, OC Demiroglu, DR Perkins
International journal of biometeorology 65 (5), 639-643, 2021
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
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