Ryan H. Foote
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Extending the coherence of a quantum dot hybrid qubit
B Thorgrimsson, D Kim, YC Yang, LW Smith, CB Simmons, DR Ward, ...
npj Quantum Information 3 (1), 1-4, 2017
The critical role of substrate disorder in valley splitting in Si quantum wells
SF Neyens, RH Foote, B Thorgrimsson, TJ Knapp, T McJunkin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (24), 243107, 2018
Coherent control and spectroscopy of a semiconductor quantum dot Wigner molecule
J Corrigan, JP Dodson, HE Ercan, JC Abadillo-Uriel, B Thorgrimsson, ...
Physical Review Letters 127 (12), 127701, 2021
State-conditional coherent charge qubit oscillations in a Si/SiGe quadruple quantum dot
DR Ward, D Kim, DE Savage, MG Lagally, RH Foote, M Friesen, ...
npj Quantum Information 2 (1), 1-6, 2016
Fabrication process and failure analysis for robust quantum dots in silicon
JP Dodson, N Holman, B Thorgrimsson, SF Neyens, ER MacQuarrie, ...
Nanotechnology 31 (50), 505001, 2020
Signatures of atomic-scale structure in the energy dispersion and coherence of a Si quantum-dot qubit
JC Abadillo-Uriel, B Thorgrimsson, D Kim, LW Smith, CB Simmons, ...
Physical Review B 98 (16), 165438, 2018
Transport through an impurity tunnel coupled to a Si/SiGe quantum dot
RH Foote, DR Ward, JR Prance, JK Gamble, E Nielsen, B Thorgrimsson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 107 (10), 103112, 2015
Electronic Transport Properties of Epitaxial Si/SiGe Heterostructures Grown on Single-Crystal SiGe Nanomembranes
YS Li, P Sookchoo, X Cui, R Mohr, DE Savage, RH Foote, RB Jacobson, ...
ACS nano 9 (5), 4891-4899, 2015
Characterization of a gate-defined double quantum dot in a Si/SiGe nanomembrane
TJ Knapp, RT Mohr, YS Li, B Thorgrimsson, RH Foote, X Wu, DR Ward, ...
Nanotechnology 27 (15), 154002, 2016
Integrating Classical Semiconductor Devices with Si/Sige Quantum Dots
DR Ward, RH Foote, JK Gamble, DE Savage, MG Lagally, ...
ECS Transactions 64 (6), 915, 2014
Integrating Classical Semiconductor Devices with Si/Sige Quantum Dots
DR Ward, RH Foote, JK Gamble, DE Savage, MG Lagally, ...
ECS Transactions 64 (6), 915, 2014
Coherent spectroscopy of a Si/SiGe double quantum dot molecule
J Baer, J Dodson, B Thorgrimsson, E Ercan, M Losert, T Knapp, N Holman, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Erratum: “The critical role of substrate disorder in valley splitting in Si quantum wells” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 243107 (2018)]
SF Neyens, RH Foote, B Thorgrimsson, TJ Knapp, T McJunkin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 116 (4), 049901, 2020
Advantages of Independent Heat Sinking of a Two-Stage Cryogenic Amplifier for Quantum Dot Readout
J Corrigan, T Knapp, J Dodson, N Holman, B Thorgrimsson, T McJunkin, ...
APS 2019, H28. 012, 2019
Valley and orbital state spectroscopy of a Si/SiGe triple quantum dot
J Dodson, J Baer, JC Abadillo-Uriel, N Holman, T Knapp, B Thorgrimsson, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, B35. 005, 2019
Gating the superconducting transition in gallium doped silicon
B Thorgrimsson, E MacQuarrie, N Holman, JP Dodson, T McJunkin, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, X30. 008, 2018
Triple-Quantum-Dots with Overlapping Gates for Si/SiGe Qubits
J Dodson, T Knapp, N Holman, R Foote, T McJunkin, B Thorgrimsson, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, V28. 006, 2018
Progress towards two double-dot qubits in Si/SiGe: quadruple quantum dots
RH Foote, DR Ward, D Kim, B Thorgrimsson, L Smith, DE Savage, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2017, B46. 004, 2017
Mitigating the effects of charge noise and improving the coherence of a quantum dot hybrid qubit
B Thorgrimsson, D Kim, YC Yang, CB Simmons, DR Ward, RH Foote, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2017, F52. 001, 2017
Tenfold increase in the Rabi decay time of the quantum dot hybrid qubit
B Thorgrimsson, D Kim, CB Simmons, DR Ward, RH Foote, DE Savage, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, B45. 007, 2016
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