Jan Bliefernicht
Jan Bliefernicht
Senior Scientist and Lecturer, University of Augsburg, Chair for Regional Climate and Hydrology
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Role of runoff–infiltration partitioning and resolved overland flow on land–atmosphere feedbacks: A case study with the WRF-Hydro coupled modeling system for West Africa
J Arnault, S Wagner, T Rummler, B Fersch, J Bliefernicht, S Andresen, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (5), 1489-1516, 2016
Global warming induced hybrid rainy seasons in the Sahel
S Salack, C Klein, A Giannini, B Sarr, ON Worou, N Belko, J Bliefernicht, ...
Environmental Research Letters 11 (10), 104008, 2016
Variability of West African monsoon patterns generated by a WRF multi-physics ensemble
C Klein, D Heinzeller, J Bliefernicht, H Kunstmann
Climate Dynamics 45, 2733-2755, 2015
Extreme precipitation in the West African cities of Dakar and Ouagadougou: Atmospheric dynamics and implications for flood risk assessments
T Engel, AH Fink, P Knippertz, G Pante, J Bliefernicht
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (11), 2937-2957, 2017
To bias correct or not to bias correct? An agricultural impact modelers’ perspective on regional climate model data
P Laux, RP Rötter, H Webber, D Dieng, J Rahimi, J Wei, B Faye, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 304, 108406, 2021
Toward a seasonal precipitation prediction system for West Africa: Performance of CFSv2 and high‐resolution dynamical downscaling
J Siegmund, J Bliefernicht, P Laux, H Kunstmann
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120 (15), 7316-7339, 2015
Feedback of observed interannual vegetation change: A regional climate model analysis for the West African monsoon
C Klein, J Bliefernicht, D Heinzeller, U Gessner, I Klein, H Kunstmann
Climate Dynamics 48, 2837-2858, 2017
Carbon dioxide fluxes from contrasting ecosystems in the Sudanian Savanna in West Africa
E Quansah, M Mauder, AA Balogun, LK Amekudzi, L Hingerl, ...
Carbon balance and management 10, 1-17, 2015
The WASCAL high-resolution regional climate simulation ensemble for West Africa: concept, dissemination and assessment
D Heinzeller, D Dieng, G Smiatek, C Olusegun, C Klein, I Hamann, ...
Earth System Science Data 10 (2), 815-835, 2018
Probability Forecasts of Daily Areal Precipitation for Small River Basins
JG Bliefernicht
Institut für Wasserbau, Universität Stuttgart, 2010
In situ observations and lumped parameter model reconstructions reveal intra‐annual to multidecadal variability in groundwater levels in sub‐Saharan Africa
MJ Ascott, DMJ Macdonald, E Black, A Verhoef, P Nakohoun, J Tirogo, ...
Water Resources Research 56 (12), e2020WR028056, 2020
Evaluation of the COSMO‐CLM high‐resolution climate simulations over West Africa
D Dieng, G Smiatek, J Bliefernicht, D Heinzeller, A Sarr, AT Gaye, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (3), 1437-1455, 2017
The WASCAL hydrometeorological observatory in the Sudan Savanna of Burkina Faso and Ghana
J Bliefernicht, S Berger, S Salack, S Guug, L Hingerl, D Heinzeller, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-20, 2018
Spatio‐temporal variability of water and energy fluxes–a case study for a mesoscale catchment in pre‐alpine environment
L Hingerl, H Kunstmann, S Wagner, M Mauder, J Bliefernicht, R Rigon
Hydrological Processes 30 (21), 3804-3823, 2016
Performance analysis and projected changes of agroclimatological indices across West Africa based on high‐resolution regional climate model simulations
D Dieng, P Laux, G Smiatek, D Heinzeller, J Bliefernicht, A Sarr, AT Gaye, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (15), 7950-7973, 2018
The impact of rainfall variability on diets and undernutrition of young children in rural Burkina Faso
I Mank, K Belesova, J Bliefernicht, I Traoré, P Wilkinson, I Danquah, ...
Frontiers in public health 9, 693281, 2021
Probabilistic forecast of daily areal precipitation focusing on extreme events
J Bliefernicht, A Bardossy
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 7 (2), 263-269, 2007
The impact of rain events on CO2 emissions from contrasting land use systems in semi-arid West African savannas
S Berger, J Bliefernicht, A Linstädter, K Canak, S Guug, D Heinzeller, ...
Science of the Total Environment 647, 1478-1489, 2019
Quality and value of seasonal precipitation forecasts issued by the West African regional climate outlook forum
J Bliefernicht, M Waongo, S Salack, J Seidel, P Laux, H Kunstmann
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 58 (3), 621-642, 2019
Copula‐based downscaling of daily precipitation fields
M Lorenz, J Bliefernicht, B Haese, H Kunstmann
Hydrological Processes 32 (23), 3479-3494, 2018
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